This series of videos, produced by APA, is intended to provide local planners with a tool to start a conversation with elected officials and the public about each of these important emerging planning issues. We hope they will provide a basis for action in your community.
Adaptive Planning for Climate Resilience: This 9-minute video provides an overview of the science of climate change and highlights actions being taken by 3 communities in Washington.
Regional Collaboration: This 7-minute video highlights how small communities are working together to solve shared problems and take effective action.
Building Social Capital: This 6-minute video describes current research on social capital and how you can build more connections in your community and more effective governance through planning processes and through urban design.
Inclusive Growth: This 7-minute video describes actions that 3 communities in Washington are doing to foster social equity and affordable housing in their area.
Planning for Healthy Communities: This 6-minute video highlights health challenges that planners can address and actions that 3 communities are taking to create healthy communities.
Planning for the New Reality: This 18-minute video features former national APA president, Mitch Silver, talking about societal changes affecting how communities plan for the future. The full one-hour presentation is available to APA members for training purposes, by arrangement with the APA Washington chapter.